The Group of Experts meeting of CCW Amended Protocol II took place on 09-10 November 2023 in Room XIX of the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
On 11 October 2023, the CCW Implementation Support Unit circulated an aide-mémoire providing information on attending the Group of Experts meeting of CCW Amended Protocol II.
Provisional Programme of Work (as of 06 November 2023)
Setting the scene: The threat of IED and new types of IED
- - Lieutenant-colonel Granger and Captain Boulas, French Armed Forces, The New IED Threat
- - Ms. Chiara Torelli, Explosive Violence Monitor - Action on Armed Violence, A Decade of Mass Civilian Casualty Events from IED
- - Mr. Harald Schmittgall, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, New Types of IED
- - Dr. Iain Overton, CEO - Action on Armed Violence, IED: A Decade of Harm, The trend in IED attacks from 2013-2022
Methods of Clerance
- - Mr. Matt Wilson, Fondation Suisse de Déminage, IED Clearance Methodologies
- - Mr. Stanislas Damjanovic, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Methods of Clearance
Protection of Civilians: risk education and other methods
- - Ms. Héloïse Pihery, Humanity & Inclusion, Protection of civilians: risk education and other methods
Relevant developments in other fora
- - Ms. Nora Allgaier, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, Global Framework for Through-life Conventional Ammunition Management
National and regional responses
- - Mr. Theo Bajon, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, National and Regional Approaches to Counter the Multifaceted Threats Posed by IED
- - Mr. Paul Amoroso, Small Arms Survey, National and regional responses - C-IED Threat
- - Mr. Robert Hunter-Perkins, Conflict Armament Research, Responding to the IED threat