Statement of the Group of Arab States on the draft factual summary of the second Preparatory Committee of the 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT Arab Group Working papers 2024-08-02 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.42 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Ukraine Joint Statement Multiple States Working papers 2024-08-02 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.41 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Nuclear science for sustainable development - Joint statement Multiple States Working papers 2024-08-02 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.40 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Joint statement on addressing the North Korean nuclear challenge Multiple States Working papers 2024-08-02 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.39/Rev.1 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Update on the Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses to Support Enhanced Cooperation as Envisioned under Article IV of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Multiple States Working papers 2024-07-19 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.38 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Upscaling the non-power applications of atomic energy Multiple States Working papers 2024-06-27 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.30/Rev.1 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Measures to reduce the breadth of risks associated with nuclear weapons and measures to avoid increasing this risk Multiple States Working papers 2024-06-04 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.16 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Addressing the legacy of nuclear weapons Kazakhstan, Kiribati and Marshall Islands Working papers 2024-06-03 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.15/Rev.1 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Towards a fissile material cut-off treaty: advancing the objective of stopping fissile material production for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in the 2026 Non-Proliferation Treaty review cycle Multiple States Working papers 2024-05-28 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.12 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Nuclear energy: a path toward net zero Multiple States Working papers 2024-05-27 NPT/CONF.2026/PC.II/WP.9/Rev.2 AR EN ES FR RU ZH