
The 2009 Meeting of Experts was held in the Palais des Nations from 24 to 28 August 2009. It was chaired by Ambassador Marius Grinius of Canada. In accordance with the decision of the Sixth Review Conference, the Meeting of Experts was to, with a view to enhancing international cooperation, assistance and exchange in biological sciences and technology for peaceful purposes, discuss, and promote common understanding and effective action on promoting capacity building in the fields of disease surveillance, detection, diagnosis, and containment of infectious diseases:

  • For States Parties in need of assistance, identifying requirements and requests for capacity enhancement; and
  • From States Parties in a position to do so, and international organizations, opportunities for providing assistance related to these fields.

Report of the Meeting

At its closing session on Friday 28 August, the meeting adopted its report by consensus.

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During the closing session the Chair of the meeting, Ambassador Grinius, made an interim report on universalization and delivered some concluding remarks.

Side Events

Monday 24 August

Launch of the EU Joint Action in Support of the Biological Weapons Convention, 13:00-15:00, Room XXIII

BWC ISU - Speed Networking - 14:30-15:00, Room XXII

Tuesday 25 August

Launch of the EU Joint Action in Support of the World Health Organisation activities in the area of laboratory bio-safety and biosecurity, 09.00-10.00, Room XXIII

International Council for the Life Sciences - Disease Surveillance Networks - 13:00-15:00, Room XXIII

Wednesday 26 August

Panel Discussion on National Experiences and Response to H1N1 - 13:00-15:00, Room XXIII

Thursday 27 August

Implementing Ecohealth Surveillance: Tools for Governance, 09.00-10.00, Room XXIII

International Security & Biopolicy Institute - Stockpiling and Delivery of Medical Countermeasures - 13:00-15:00, Room XXIII

Friday 28 August

International Security & Biopolicy Institute - The Political Implications of the Possible De Novo Synthesis of Smallpox - 09:00-10:00, Room XXIII
