On 24 December 2021, the General Assembly adopted resolution 76/233 establishing an Open-ended Working Group to elaborate a set of political commitments as a new global framework that will address existing gaps in through-life ammunition management.
Side Events
Information on relevant side events may be sent to the Secretariat for posting at conventionalarms-unoda@un.org
The Chair of the OEWG is Mr. Albrecht von Wittke, Head of Division for Conventional Disarmament, Arms Control and Confidence and Security Building Measures Worldwide as well as Preventive Arms Control in the Directorate-General for International Order, the United Nations and Arms Control at the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
The Vice-Chair of the OEWG is H.E. Maritza Chan Valverde, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in New York
Office for Disarmament Affairs, Mr. Ivor Fung (fungi@un.org)
Office for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Nora Allgaier (nora.allgaier@un.org)