
The Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention will take place between 19 and 23 August 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. In line with the indicative schedule of activities adopted at the first session of the Working Group and the small adjustment agreed by States Parties through a silence procedure on 8 April 2024, the following topics will be addressed at its fourth session in August 2024:

  • - 19, 20 and 21 August 2024: assistance, response and preparedness
  • - 22 August 2024: scientific and technological developments
  • - 23 August 2024: international cooperation and assistance

The Working Group will meet in-person in Room XIX, in the E Building of the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva, accessible via the Pregny Gate. Sessions will take place from 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00 on the abovementioned dates.

All participants, except those already in possession of a UNOG security badge, need to register online by 2 August 2024.


BWC/WG/4/1 - Background information document on ‘Measures on assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII’ - Submitted by the Implementation Support Unit (ISU)

BWC/WG/4/WP.1 - Implementation of Article VII - Submitted by South Africa
