
The Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention will take place between 19 and 23 August 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. In line with the indicative schedule of activities adopted at the first session of the Working Group and the small adjustment agreed by States Parties through a silence procedure on 8 April 2024, the following topics will be addressed at its fourth session in August 2024:

  • - 19, 20 and 21 August 2024: assistance, response and preparedness
  • - 22 August 2024: scientific and technological developments
  • - 23 August 2024: international cooperation and assistance

The Working Group will meet in-person in Room XIX, in the E Building of the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva, accessible via the Pregny Gate. Sessions will take place from 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00 on the abovementioned dates.

All participants, except those already in possession of a UNOG security badge, need to register online by 2 August 2024.


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Indicative Timetable for the Fourth Session of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the BWC, 19-23 August 2024

BWC/WG/4/1 - Background information document on ‘Measures on assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII’ - Submitted by the Implementation Support Unit (ISU)

BWC/WG/4/INF.1 - List of participants

BWC/WG/4/2/CRP.1/Rev.1 - Revised draft procedural report of the fourth session of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the Convention

BWC/WG/4/2 - Procedural report of the fourth session of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the Convention

BWC/WG/4/WP.1 - Implementation of Article VII - Submitted by South Africa

BWC/WG/4/WP.2 - Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention: Creating and using mobile biomedical units to deliver protection against biological weapons, investigate the alleged use of such weapons, and to suppress epidemics of various etiology – Submitted by the Russian Federation

BWC/WG/4/WP.3 - Measures on assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII – Submitted by the United States of America and co-sponsored by Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

BWC/WG/4/WP.3/Rev.1 - Measures on assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII - Submitted by the United States of America. Cosponsored by Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

BWC/WG/4/WP.4 - Proposal for the establishment of a database for assistance under Article VII of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention – Submitted by France and India

BWC/WG/4/WP.5 - UK Capabilities Relevant to Implementation and Operationalisation of Article VII of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention – Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

BWC/WG/4/WP.6 - Examples of advancements in Science and Technology relevant to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and worthy of review – Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

BWC/WG/4/WP.7 - Report on UK Implementation of Article X of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention – Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Non-papers by the Friends of the Chair

Measures on assistance, response and preparedness under Article VII

Draft elements for consideration by States Parties for the establishment of a mechanism to review and assess scientific and technological developments relevant to the Convention and provide States Parties with relevant advice

Draft decision and related documents for the establishment of a mechanism open to all States Parties to facilitate and support the full implementation of international cooperation and assistance under the Convention

Side Events

Engaging Scientists, Women, and Youth in Biosecurity, Disarmament, and Non-proliferationOrganizer:United States of America
Description: Strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) depends on engaging with the leaders of tomorrow to uphold the norms established in the BWC. Diverse, inclusive, and meaningful participation are key to developing impactful cultures of Biosafety and Biosecurity worldwide and to bringing the BWC into the 21st century. This panel aims to showcase international, national and/or non-governmental programs that increase scientist, women, and youth involvement in disarmament and nonproliferation policy – including biosecurity – early in their careers.
Dr. J. Forman / U.S. Dept of Energy
Dr. N. Kikendall / U.S. Dept of Energy
Dr. D. Lohmann / U.S. Dept of State
Dr. A. Leisewitz / Universidad San Sebastian
Dr. S. Matinyi / Nuo Bioscience
Dr. C. Rios Rojas / BWC ISU
Additional Information: Light refreshments will be provided.
13:15-14:45Room XXIV
Youth for Biosecurity Poster CompetitionOrganizer:United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) / Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
Description: The 2024 UNODA Youth4Biosecurity Fellows will present their research findings and ideas to a jury of experts and the event attendees. The posters will cover topics under the two themes ‘International Cooperation and Assistance’ and ‘Science and Technology developments relevant to the Convention’. The posters by the NTI Bio delegates will be showcased as well.
M. Régimbal / UNODA
H. Severance / NTI
T. Wagner / European Union
Additional Information: Light refreshments will be provided.
13:15-14:45Outside Room XIX
Launch of a Study of Voluntary Transparency Initiatives in the framework of the Biological Weapons ConventionOrganizer:United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) / United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Description: For over a decade, BWC States Parties have explored tools to increase transparency and build confidence in the framework of the Convention. As part of this process, several voluntary transparency initiatives have been undertaken, including a number of peer review exercises. Peer review initiatives are not a substitute for verification, nor are they intended to replace Confidence Building Measures (CBMs). However, they can play an important role in strengthening the BWC. Moreover, taking stock of such initiatives can contribute to ongoing discussions in the Working Group on the Strengthening of the BWC.
UNIDIR, in coordination with UNODA, has developed a new report on “Voluntary Transparency Initiatives: The Case of Peer Review Exercises in the Context of the BWC”. The study focuses on the peer review exercises carried out by States Parties since 2011 in the framework of the BWC. The event will present the findings of the study, including the evolution of such measures, their key elements, as well as reflections on the benefits and limitations of these initiatives and some of lessons learned from the various activities. The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience.
Moderator: J. Revill / UNIDIR
Opening Remarks: Amb. L. Knudsen / EU
Speaker: M. J. Espona / author
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXII
August 2024
The Global Partnership Initiative on Countering CBRN DisinformationOrganizer:Canada / King's College London
Description: Disinformation is significantly hampering international cooperation and assistance. The event will introduce a new comprehensive, coordinated and multi-institutional initiative against disinformation, established in January 2024 by the Global Partnership against the spread of WMD. The initiative focuses on state-sponsored or state-adjacent disinformation on biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats, and aims to preserve and facilitate global non-proliferation progress.
E. English / King's College London
F. Lentzos / King’s College London
L. Mullen / Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
A. Robertson / King’s College London
N. Spears / Canada A. Sundelson / Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
I. Wilson / King’s College London
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXIV
Cooperation & Development in Life Science & Technology; Benefits and ObstaclesOrganizer:Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Cuba
Description: This side event aims to examine the achievements and challenges faced by countries in the field of biological sciences under the framework of international cooperation under Article 10 of the Biological Weapons Convention.
-Prof. K. Azadmanesh, MD, PhD / Head of Virology Research Division, Pasteur Institute of Iran
-Dr. R. Ghaderi, PhD / Deputy of the Veterinary Bacterial Vaccine Department, Head of Academic Relations & International Affairs Office, Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute, RVSRI
-J. E. D. Pérez / First Secretary of the Directorate of Political Multilateral Affairs at the General Division of Multilateral Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba
-A. P. López / Third Secretary, Official in charge of Disarmament at the Permanent Mission of Cuba at the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXVI
Launch of a new BWC Education ProgrammeOrganizer:United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) / Diplo Foundation / Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS)
Description:UNIDIR, Diplo Foundation and FRS are launching a pilot education programme for government officials in capital with responsibilities in BWC implementation, CBRN experts, aspiring and active diplomats, and life scientists working on BWC issues and biological threats. This project aims to equip key stakeholders with the essential knowledge, skills, and expertise to actively participate in the BWC diplomatic process, contributing to a stronger and more effective Convention. The 5-month course will be comprised of virtual modules (delivered through a virtual learning platform) and an in-person module in Geneva, Switzerland. In this side event, the programme concept and structure will be presented, along with announcing the opening of applications. A question and answer session with the audience will follow. A light breakfast will be provided for attendees. More details can be found here.
JP Zanders
Maria Garzon Maceda
Ljupčo Gjorgjinski
Sonia Drobysz
Maria Espona
Online participants: please register here to get the link to the event
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:00Room XXII
Mobile Biomedical Units. Perspectives of their Operationalization to Strengthen the BTWCOrganizer:Russian Federation
Description:Presentations by experts of Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being of the Russian Federation (Rospotrebnadzor) and its research institution of the Russian proposal to strengthen the BTWC by establishing mobile biomedical units as an international institutional mechanism under the Convention and experience of Russian specialised anti-epidemic teams deployment in real environment and field training exercises.
-K. Vorontsov / Russian MFA, Head of the Russian delegation to the BTWC
-A. Letiushev / Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being of the Russian Federation (Rospotrebnadzor), expert of the Russian delegation to the BTWC
-Z. Kasian / Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute "Microbe" of Rospotrebnadzor, expert of the Russian delegation to the BTWC
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXIV
The role of Article X in strengthening Regional and National Capacity to respond to Global Health EmergenciesOrganizer:Global Health & Security Consultants (GHSC) / John Hopkins Centre for Health Security (JHCHS)
Description:Communicable diseases caused by infectious agents are the main cause of global health emergencies such as Ebola, H5N1, H1N1, SARS, MERS, Zika and recently COVID19. They have all in turn caused millions of morbidity and mortality among people throughout the world in particular in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). They have also caused huge economic losses to trade and tourism in these countries. Unfortunately, many developing countries involved in the outbreak of these infectious diseases, lack efficient capability to effectively prevent or respond to such public health emergencies. The history of pandemics caused by infectious disease shows that viruses and bacteria do not recognize political boarders and move freely throughout the world.
Dr Margaret Chan Ex-Director General of WHO, in her report to the WHA, emphasizes: “In today’s world, diseases travel fast and no single country can protect itself on its own. Given today’s universal vulnerability to these threats, better security calls for global solidarity."
Here we are going to discuss how implementation of Article X of the BWC can play a major role in strengthening national and regional capacity to adequately and promptly respond to Global Public Health Emergencies.
O. Meless / BWC ISU
M. Shearer / John Hopkins Centre for Health Security
/ World Health Organization
Dr. A. A. Mohammadi / Global Health and Security Consultants
Additional Information: A light breakfast will be offered from 8:30-9:00 am.
9:00-10:00Room XXIV
Youth insights for strengthening global biosecurityOrganizer:Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) / United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Description:The side event will gather Youth for Biosecurity Fellows and NTI Bio delegates to celebrate and share their experience and perspectives on Youth involvement in global biosecurity and in BWC discussions.
G. Essix / NTI
R. Bacouillard / UNODA
J. Hurst / John Hopkins University
J. Kimber / University of Adelaide
P. Manlangit / Paro Institute
A. Flores / iGEM
Y. Bao / iGEM
Y. Sampaio / SynBio Brazil
R. Chavez / Scintia
K. Angeles / Youth4Biosecurity
J. F. Masvaya / Youth4Biosecurity
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXII
Lessons Learned on the Establishment of a National Inventory of Dangerous PathogensOrganizer:Netherlands (Kingdom of the) / Cambodia / Mongolia / Sri Lanka / Uganda
Description:A critical step towards strengthening global health security and safe and secure practises in biological laboratories is to implement a national oversight system to address the biological risks and mitigation measures associated with handling and storing dangerous pathogens. A ‘National Inventory of Dangerous Pathogens’ (NIDP) is a feasible, practical, and essential implementation measure in setting up a national oversight and regulatory system. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands has developed an electronic database that is available on request, including guidance documents, which allows national authorities to create and manage a national inventory. RIVM has collaborated with several BTWC States Parties to implement a NIDP, among which Cambodia Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Uganda. During this side event we will discuss implementation aspects as well as lessons learned from the participating State Parties. This work has been supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, UNODA, and the European Union (EU).
R. Bleijs / Director of the Biosecurity Office, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
I. Vennis / Scientist Global Health Security, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
S. Schulpen / Toxicologist, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Dr. S. Chansovannary / Cambodia
Dr. N. Oyunbileg / Mongolia
Dr. P. Athapattu / Sri Lanka
J. Nkodyo / Uganda
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXIV
Taking stock of BWC National ImplementationOrganizer:United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) / the Verification Research, Training, and Information Centre (VERTIC)
Description:Under Article IV of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, States Parties are obliged to take any necessary measures to prohibit and prevent biological weapons at the national level. On the first anniversary of the launch of the UNIDIR-VERTIC Database on National Implementation Measures of the BWC, UNIDIR and VERTIC are organising a lunchtime event on BWC national implementation at fourth meeting of the Working Group to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention. This event will bring together scholars and diplomats to provide an overview of trends in national implementation and explore challenges and opportunities to advance the implementation of the BWC. The event will begin with a moderated discussion among experts before beginning Q&A session with the audience. More details can be found here.
Welcome remarks - M. James Revill, Head of the WMD Programme (UNIDIR)
Overview of BWC national implementation – Dr. Sonia Drobysz, Senior Researcher (UNIDIR)
Experience with national implementation of the BWC and the role of national authorities – Miss Athikarn Bell Dilogwathana, Councellor (Permanent Mission of Thailand)
Strengthening national implementation in Africa – M. Sylvain Fanielle, Project Coordinator and Legal Officer (UNODA)
Online participants: please register here to get the link to the event.
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXII
Reducing Biological Risks by Promoting the Peaceful Use of Biology Under Article X of the BWCOrganizer:Norway
Description:The side event is dedicated to informing about the progress made under project on ‘Reducing Biological Risks by Promoting the Peaceful Use of Biology’ in 2022-24 by the Implementation Support Unit (ISU) of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The project is sponsored by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is expected to enhance the implementation of Art X and aims specifically to provide assistance to BWC developing States Parties. The side event will also address the revision of the BWC Assistance and Cooperation Database and recent capacity building course on ‘Virus Detection, Biosecurity, and Science Diplomacy’ as part of the project which was conducted as a joint initiative between the BWC-ISU, the International Centre of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) , and Interacademy Partnership (IAP) in March 2024. Furthermore, the ICGEB will provide an overview of their capacity building projects and potential areas for a strategic partnership with the BWC-ISU in promoting the biology and relevant technologies for peaceful purposes followed by a presentation by the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) which will demonstrate the scope and achievements of Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT)
H.E. Amb. T. Endresen / Norway
D. Feakes / BWC ISU
O. Meless / BWC ISU
M. Rouzbahani / BWC ISU
D. Hlashwayo / Mozambique
M. Maculan / ICGEB
J. Puradiredja /BNITM
Additional Information: A light lunch will be offered to participants.
13:15-14:45Room XXIV