(Advanced Copy) Note Verbale dated 16 September 2022 from the Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations Office in Geneva transmitting the Statement delivered on 3 March 2022 Conference on Disarmament (2022) Latvia Correspondence 2022-09-21 CD/2301 EN
(Advanced Copy) Note Verbale dated 12 August 2022 from the Permanent Mission of France, transmitting the intervention of Ms. Philippine Bentégeat, Conseillère chargée d’affaire a.i., during the plenary session on cybersecurity issues Conference on Disarmament (2022) France Correspondence 2022-08-30 CD/2246 FR
Note Verbale dated 9 March 2022 from the Permanent Mission of France addressed to the presidency of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting the joint statement on women’s participation in the work of the Conference on Disarmament Conference on Disarmament (2022) France Correspondence 2022-03-17 CD/2230 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Note Verbale dated 17 February 2022 from the Permanent Representation of France to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva addressed to the presidency of the Conference on Disarmament Conference on Disarmament (2022) France Correspondence 2022-02-21 CD/2228 AR EN ES FR RU ZH
Note Verbale from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia submitting its request for membership of the Conference on Disarmament Saudi Arabia Correspondence 2021-03-25 EN
Note Verbale from the Republic of Latvia requesting its admission as a Member State of the Conference on Disarmament Conference on Disarmament (2022) Latvia Correspondence 2004-06-21 EN